
Task list

The task list component displays all the tasks a user needs to do, and allows users to easily identify which ones are done and which they still need to do.

See the GOV.UK Design System documentation on task lists for more information on when to use this component.

  <gv-task-list-item href="/example-page" status="Completed">
    Company Directors
  <gv-task-list-item href="/example-page">
    Registered company details
    <template #status>
      <gv-tag colour="light-blue">In progress</gv-tag>
  <gv-task-list-item href="/example-page">
    Application details
    <template #status>
      <gv-tag>Not yet started</gv-tag>
  <gv-task-list-item status="Cannot start yet" :cannot-start-yet="true">
    Funds applied to
    <template #hint>
      The funds will be announced in January

Pass the name of the task using the text prop or in the default slot.

If you pass an href, the task name will be a link.

You can set up navigation links to use router-link or nuxt-link if needed. See Using router-link or nuxt-link for more details. You'll need to pass the path in href rather than to.

Setting the status

For text-only statuses, such as 'Completed' or 'Cannot start yet', pass the status in the status prop.

For tag statuses, pass a gv-tag in the status slot.

If the task cannot be started yet, you should also pass :cannot-start-yet="true" to make the status grey.

  <gv-task-list-item href="/example-page" status="Completed">
    Request details
  <gv-task-list-item href="/example-page">
    Team lead approval
    <template #status>
      <gv-tag colour="green">Approved</gv-tag>
  <gv-task-list-item href="/example-page">
    Manager approval
    <template #status>
      <gv-tag colour="orange">Awaiting approval</gv-tag>
  <gv-task-list-item status="Cannot start yet" :cannot-start-yet="true">
    Final sign-off
    <template #hint>
      Your team lead and manager need to approve before final sign-off



A list of GvTaskListItems



title string
The main title for the task within the task list component. If content is provided in the default slot, this prop will be ignored.
titleClass string|array|object
Classes to add to the title wrapper. You can bind a string, an array or an object, as with normal Vue class bindings.
href string
The value of the link's href attribute for the task list item.
titleComponent string|object
The component used to render the link, for example RouterLink.

Defaults to 'a'.
hint string
Can be used to add a hint to each task within the task list component. If content is provided in the hint slot, this prop will be ignored.
status string
Text to use for the status, as an alternative to using a tag. If content is provided in the status slot, this prop will be ignored.
statusClass string|array|object
Classes to add to the status container. You can bind a string, an array or an object, as with normal Vue class bindings.
cannotStartYet boolean
Set to true if the task cannot be started yet. This will make the status text grey.


The main title for the task within the task list component. If content is provided in this slot, the title prop will be ignored.
The content of the hint. If content is provided in this slot, the hint prop will be ignored.
The content of the status, usually a GvTag. If content is provided in this slot, the hint prop will be ignored.