

The GOV.UK header shows users that they are on GOV.UK and which service they are using.

See the GOV.UK Design System documentation on the header for more information on when to use this component.

<gv-header />

Adding a service name

Use the service-name prop or slot to include your service name in the header.

<gv-header service-name="Service name" />

Pass a list of GvHeaderNavigationItems in the navigation slot to include navigation links. Set the active prop to true if the link is for the current page or one of its children.

<gv-header service-name="Service name">
  <template #navigation>
    <gv-header-navigation-item href="#" :active="true">
      Navigation item 1
    <gv-header-navigation-item href="#">
      Navigation item 2
    <gv-header-navigation-item href="#">
      Navigation item 3
    <gv-header-navigation-item href="#">
      Navigation item 4

You can set up navigation links to use router-link or nuxt-link if needed. See Using router-link or nuxt-link for more details.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { NuxtLink } from '#components';

  <gv-header service-name="Service name">
    <template #navigation>
      <gv-header-navigation-item :component="NuxtLink" to="/example-page" :active="true">
        Navigation item 1
      <gv-header-navigation-item :component="NuxtLink" to="/example-page">
        Navigation item 2
      <gv-header-navigation-item :component="NuxtLink" to="/example-page">
        Navigation item 3
      <gv-header-navigation-item :component="NuxtLink" to="/example-page">
        Navigation item 4

Use the logo slot to override the default GOV.UK logo - for example, to use a departmental logo instead.

Using this slot overrides the govuk-header__logo div and everything inside it, so props such as homepageUrl and productName won't work. Include these elements in your slot content if you need them.

If your logo is white, use fill="currentColor" rather than fill="#fff" in the SVG. This will ensure the logo remains visible when printed, as the logo will automatically be changed to black. It will also ensure the logo remains visible if the user has set up custom colours in their browser or is using high contrast mode.

    <template #logo>
      <div class="govuk-header__logo app-header__logo">
        <a href="/" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--homepage">
          <span class="govuk-header__logotype">
              viewBox="0 0 47 30"
              <polygon points="46.79769 7.68277 32.97322 11.4032 35.04362 14.9896 41.13804 13.34242 37.98907 25.09613 23.5 0 9.01093 25.09613 5.86196 13.34242 11.95638 14.9896 14.02678 11.4032 .20231 7.68277 6.18155 29.99698 6.1796 30 13.10712 30 23.5 12.00043 33.89288 30 40.8204 30 40.81845 29.99698 46.79769 7.68277" fill="currentColor"/>
            <span class="govuk-header__logotype-text"> GOV.UK Vue </span>

.app-header__logo {
  width: 100%;

Customising the content

Use the content slot to override the default layout of the rest of the header.

Using this slot overrides the govuk-header__content div and everything inside it, so props such as serviceName and the navigation slot won't work. Include these elements in your slot content if you need them.



homepageUrl string
The URL of the homepage, linked to by the logo. Defaults to /

Defaults to '/'.
homepageLinkComponent string|object
The component used to render the homepage link, for example RouterLink.

Defaults to 'a'.
productName string
Product name, used when the product name follows on directly from ‘GOV.UK’. For example, GOV.UK Pay or GOV.UK Design System. In most circumstances, you should use serviceName.
serviceName string
The name of your service, included in the header.
serviceUrl string
URL for the service name anchor.

Defaults to '#'.
serviceNameLinkComponent string|object
The component used to render the service name link, for example RouterLink. Will default to a if an href is provided or button otherwise.

Defaults to 'a'.
navigationId string
The ID for the list of navigation links. If you don't provide an ID, one will be generated automatically.
navigationLabel string
Text for the aria-label attribute of the navigation. Defaults to the same value as menuButtonText.
navigationClass string|array|object
Classes for the navigation section of the header. You can bind a string, an array or an object, as with normal Vue class bindings.
menuButtonLabel string
Text for the aria-label attribute of the button that opens the mobile navigation, if there is a mobile navigation menu.

Defaults to 'Show or hide menu'.
menuButtonText string
Text of the button that opens the mobile navigation menu, if there is a mobile navigation menu. There is no enforced character limit, but there is a limited display space so keep text as short as possible.

Defaults to 'Menu'.


The logo shown on the left of the header. Defaults to the GOV.UK crown and text
The content shown to the right of the logo. Defaults to the service name and navigation links
A list of GvHeaderNavigationItems



text string
Text for the navigation item. If content is provided in the default slot, this prop will be ignored.
href string
URL of the navigation item anchor.
active boolean
Whether the navigation item is active or not. Set this to true if the link is for the current page or one of its children.
component string|object
The component used to render the link, for example RouterLink. Will default to a if an href is provided or no link otherwise.


The content of the navigation item. If content is provided in this slot, the text prop will be ignored.