
Error summary

Use this component at the top of a page to summarise any errors a user has made.

When a user makes an error, you must show both an error summary and an error message next to each answer that contains an error.

See the GOV.UK Design System documentation on error summaries for more information on when to use this component.

Error:Enter your full name

When was your passport issued?
For example, 27 3 2007

Error:The date your passport was issued must be in the past

<gv-error-summary :disable-auto-focus="true">
  <gv-error-link target-id="name">
    Enter your full name
  <gv-error-link target-id="passport-date-day">
    The date your passport was issued must be in the past

  label="Full name" 
  error-message="Enter your full name" 

  legend="When was your passport issued?"
  hint="For example, 27 3 2007"
  error-message="The date your passport was issued must be in the past"

Linking to the error

If the error is for a field on the page

Use the target-id prop to specify which field on the page has the error. The page will jump to that field when the error link is clicked.

You must manually assign an ID to any field which is linked to from the error summary. Do not rely on IDs which GOV.UK Vue automatically generates, because these may change.

For radios and checkboxes, use the ID of the first radio or checkbox in the list.

For dates, pass an id to gv-date. The individual fields in the date will use this ID appended with -day, -month and -year - for example, for <gv-date id="dob"> the inputs will have IDs of dob-day, dob-month and dob-year. In the error summary, set the target-id to the ID of the field that contains an error. If you don't know which field has an error, use the ID of the day field.

If the error is on another page

Use the href prop to link to the page with the error.

You can also set up error links to use router-link or nuxt-link if needed. See Using router-link or nuxt-link for more details.

Some sections are missing information

<script setup lang="ts">
import { NuxtLink } from '#components';

    title="Some sections are missing information" 
    <gv-error-link :component="NuxtLink" to="/example-page">
      Enter your contact details

Using validation libraries

There are several popular validation libraries for Vue, such as Vuelidate and VeeValidate. GOV.UK Vue doesn't directly integrate with these libraries, but you should be able to use this component and the error-message prop on form components to integrate them yourself.

If you have any problems integrating with a validation library, raise an issue on GitHub.



title string
Text to use for the heading of the error summary block. If content is provided in the title slot, this prop will be ignored.

Defaults to 'There is a problem'.
description string
Text to use for the description of the errors. If content is provided in the description slot, this prop will be ignored.
disableAutoFocus boolean
If true, keyboard focus will not be moved to the error summary when it's mounted.

Defaults to false.


The heading of the error summary block. If content is provided in this slot, the title prop will be ignored.
The description of the errors. If content is provided in this slot, the description prop will be ignored.
A list of gv-error-links



text string
Text for the error link item. If content is provided in the default slot, this prop will be ignored.
targetId string
ID of the component on the page that the error link should jump to.
href string
Href attribute for the error link item. Only use this if you're linking to another page. If you're linking to an element on this page, use targetId instead.
component string|object
The component used to render the link, for example RouterLink. Will default to a if an href or targetId is provided or no link otherwise.


The content of the error link. If content is provided in this slot, the text prop will be ignored.