

Use the button component to help users carry out an action like starting an application or saving their information.

See the GOV.UK Design System documentation on buttons for more information on when to use this component.

<gv-button href="#">
  Save and continue

You can set up buttons to use router-link or nuxt-link if needed. See Using router-link or nuxt-link for more details.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { NuxtLink } from '#components';

  <gv-button :component="NuxtLink" to="/example-page">
    Save and continue

Using a click event handler

You can attach a click event handler instead of setting href.

<script setup lang="ts">
function handleClick() {
  alert('You clicked the button')

  <gv-button @click="handleClick">
    Save and continue

Start buttons

Set :is-start-button="true" to show a start button.

<gv-button :is-start-button="true">
  Start now

Secondary and warning buttons

Use the variant prop to change between primary, secondary and warning buttons.

<gv-button variant="secondary">
  Find address
<gv-button variant="warning">
  Delete account

Grouping buttons

Wrap buttons in a gv-button-group to display them side-by-side on larger screens or stacked on smaller screens.

    Save and continue
  <gv-button variant="secondary">
    Save as draft



text string
Text for the button or link. If content is provided in the default slot, or if element is set to input, this prop will be ignored.
name string
Name for the input or button. This has no effect if element is a.
type string
Type of input or button - button, submit or reset. This has no effect if component is not input or button.

Defaults to 'button'.
value string
Value for the button tag. This has no effect if element is not button
disabled boolean
Whether the button should be disabled. If element is input or button, disabled and aria-disabled attributes will be set automatically.

Defaults to false.
href string
The URL that the button should link to. If this is set, element will be automatically set to a if it has not already been defined.
isStartButton boolean
Use for the main call to action on your service's start page.

Defaults to false.
variant string
The prominence of the button.

Allowed values: primary, secondary, warning. Defaults to 'primary'.
id string
The ID of the button.
component string|object
The component used to render the button, for example RouterLink. Will default to a if an href is provided or button otherwise.


The content of the button. If content is provided in this slot, the text prop will be ignored.



A list of gv-buttons